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- Preliminary Material
- Main Text
- Part One The History of the Washington Constitution and Its Interpretation
- ???
- The History of the Washington Constitution and Its Interpretation
- Protecting a Self-Sufficient Way of Life
- Power Divided among Political Institutions
- Applying History and Developing a Principled Methodology for Independent Interpretation of Washington’s Constitution
- Studying History and Discerning Intent
- ???
- Part Two The Washington Constitution and Commentary
- Preamble
- Art.I Declaration of Rights
- s.1 Political power.
- s.2 Supreme law of the land.
- s.3 Personal rights.
- s.4 Right of petition and assemblage.
- s.5 Freedom of speech.
- s.6 Oaths—Mode of administering.
- s.7 Invasion of private affairs or home prohibited.
- s.8 Irrevocable privilege, franchise or immunity prohibited.
- s.9 Rights of accused persons
- s.10 Administration of justice.
- s.11 Religious freedom.
- s.12 Special privileges and immunities prohibited.
- s.13 Habeas corpus.
- s.14 Excessive bail, fines and punishments.
- s.15 Convictions, effect of.
- s.16 Eminent domain.
- s.17 Imprisonment for debt.
- s.18 Military power, limitation of.
- s.19 Freedom of elections.
- s.20 Bail, when authorized.
- s.21 Trial by jury.
- s.22 Rights of the accused.
- s.23 Bill of attainder, ex post facto law, etc.
- s.24 Right to bear arms.
- s.25 Prosecution by information.
- s.26 Grand jury.
- s.27 Treason, defined, etc.
- s.28 Hereditary privileges abolished.
- s.29 Constitution mandatory.
- s.30 Rights reserved.
- s.31 Standing army.
- s.32 Fundamental principles.
- s.33 Recall of elective officers.
- s.34 Same.
- s.35 Victims of crimes—Rights.
- Art.II Legislative Department
- s.1 Legislative powers, where vested.
- s.1(a) Initiative and referendum, signatures required.
- s.2 House of representatives and senate.
- s.3 The census.
- s.4 Election of representatives and term of office.
- s.5 Elections, when to be held.
- s.6 Election and term of office of senators.
- s.7 Qualifications of legislators.
- s.8 Judges of their own election and qualification—Quorum.
- s.9 Rules of procedure.
- s.10 Election of officers.
- s.11 Journal, publicity of meetings—Adjournments.
- s.12 Sessions, when—Duration.
- s.13 Limitation on members holding office in the state.
- s.14 Same, federal or other office.
- s.15 Vacancies in legislature and in partisan county elective office.
- s.16 Privileges from arrest.
- s.17 Freedom of debate.
- s.18 Style of laws.
- s.19 Bill to contain one subject.
- s.20 Origin and amendment of bills.
- s.21 Yeas and nays.
- s.22 Passage of bills.
- s.23 Compensation of members.
- s.24 Lotteries and divorce.
- s.25 Extra compensation prohibited.
- s.26 Suits against the state.
- s.27 Elections—Viva voce vote.
- s.28 Special legislation.
- s.29 Convict labor.
- s.30 Bribery or corrupt solicitation.
- s.31 Laws, when to take effect.
- s.32 Laws, how signed.
- s.33 Ownership of lands by aliens, prohibited—Exceptions.
- s.34 Bureau of statistics, agriculture and immigration.
- s.35 Protection of employees.
- s.36 When bills must be introduced.
- s.37 Revision or amendment.
- s.38 Limitation on amendments.
- s.39 Free transportation to public officer prohibited.
- s.40 Highway funds.
- s.41 Laws, effective date, initiative, referendum—amendment or repeal.
- s.42 Governmental continuity during emergency periods.
- s.43 Redistricting.
- Art.III The Executive
- s.1 Executive department.
- s.2 Governor, term of office.
- s.3 Other executive officers, terms of office.
- s.4 Returns of elections, canvass, etc.
- s.5 General duties of governor.
- s.6 Messages.
- s.7 Extra legislative sessions.
- s.8 Commander-in-chief.
- s.9 Pardoning power.
- s.10 Vacancy in office of governor.
- s.11 Remission of fines and forfeitures.
- s.12 Veto powers.
- s.13 Vacancy in appointive office.
- s.14 Salary.
- s.15 Commissions, how issued.
- s.16 Lieutenant governor, duties and salary.
- s.17 Secretary of state, duties and salary.
- s.18 Seal.
- s.19 State treasurer, duties and salary.
- s.20 State auditor, duties and salary.
- s.21 Attorney general, duties and salary.
- s.22 Superintendent of public instruction, duties and salary.
- s.23 Commissioner of Public Lands—Compensation.
- s.24 Records, where kept, etc.
- s.25 Qualifications, compensation, offices which may be abolished.
- Art.IV The Judiciary
- s.1 Judicial power, where vested.
- s.2 Supreme court.
- s.2(a) Temporary performance of judicial duties.
- s.3 Election and terms of supreme court judges.
- s.3(a) Retirement of supreme court and superior court judges.
- s.4 Jurisdiction.
- s.5 Superior court—Election of judges, terms of, etc.
- s.6 Jurisdiction of superior courts.
- s.7 Exchange of judges—Judge pro tempore.
- s.8 Absence of judicial officer.
- s.9 Removal of judges, attorney general, etc.
- s.10 Justices of the peace.
- s.11 Courts of record.
- s.12 Inferior courts.
- s.13 Salaries of judicial officers—How paid, etc.
- s.14 Salaries of supreme and superior court judges.
- s.15 Ineligibility of judges.
- s.16 Charging juries.
- s.17 Eligibility of judges.
- s.18 Supreme court reporter.
- s.19 Judges may not practice law.
- s.20 Decisions, when to be made.
- s.21 Publication of opinions.
- s.22 Clerk of the supreme court.
- s.23 Court commissioners.
- s.24 Rules for superior courts.
- s.25 Reports of superior court judges.
- s.26 Clerk of the superior court.
- s.27 Style of process.
- s.28 Oath of judges.
- s.29 Election of superior court judges.
- s.30 Court of appeals.
- s.31 Commission on judicial conduct.
- Art.V Impeachment
- Art.VI Elections and Elective Rights
- Art.VII Revenue and Taxation
- s.1 Taxation.
- s.2 Limitation on levies.
- s.3 Taxation of federal agencies and property.
- s.4 No surrender of power or suspension of tax on corporate property.
- s.5 Taxes, how levied.
- s.6 Taxes, how paid.
- s.7 Annual statement.
- s.8 Tax to cover deficiencies.
- s.9 Special assessments or taxation for local improvements.
- s.10 Retired persons property tax exemption.
- s.11 Taxation based on actual use.
- s.12 Budget stabilization account.
- Art.VIII State, County, and Municipal Indebtedness
- s.1 State debt.
- s.2 Powers extended in certain cases.
- s.3 Special indebtedness, how authorized.
- s.4 Moneys disbursed only by appropriations.
- s.5 Credit not to be loaned.
- s.6 Limitations upon municipal indebtedness.
- s.7 Credit not to be loaned.
- s.8 Port expenditures—Industrial development—Promotion.
- s.9 State building authority.
- s.10 Energy, water, or stormwater or sewer services conservation assistance.
- s.11 Agricultural commodity assessments—Development, promotion, and hosting.
- Art.IX Education
- Art.X Militia
- Art.XI County, City, and Township Organization
- s.1 Existing counties recognized.
- s.2 County seats—Location and removal.
- s.3 New counties.
- s.4 County government and township organization.
- s.5 County government.
- s.6 Vacancies in township, precinct or road district office.
- s.7 Tenure of office limited to two terms.
- s.8 Salaries and limitations affecting.
- s.9 State taxes not to be released or commuted.
- s.10 Incorporation of municipalities.
- s.11 Police and sanitary regulations.
- s.12 Assessment and collection of taxes in municipalities.
- s.13 Private property, when may be taken for public debt.
- s.14 Private use of public funds prohibited.
- s.15 Deposit of public funds.
- s.16 Combined city-county.
- Art.XII Corporations other than Municipal
- s.1 Corporations, how formed.
- s.2 Existing charters.
- s.3 Existing charters not to be extended nor forfeiture remitted.
- s.4 Liability of stockholders.
- s.5 Term “corporation,” defined—Right to sue and be sued.
- s.6 Limitations upon issuance of stock.
- s.7 Foreign corporations.
- s.8 Alienation of franchise not to release liabilities.
- s.9 State not to loan its credit or subscribe for stock.
- s.10 Eminent domain affecting.
- s.11 Stockholder liability.
- s.12 Receiving deposits by bank after insolvency.
- s.13 Common carriers, regulation of.
- s.14 Prohibition against combinations by carriers (Repealed).
- s.15 Prohibition against discriminating charges.
- s.16 Prohibition against consolidating of competing lines.
- s.17 Rolling stock, personalty for purpose of taxation.
- s.18 Rates for transportation.
- s.19 Telegraph and telephone companies.
- s.20 Prohibition against free transportation for public officers.
- s.21 Express companies.
- s.22 Monopolies and trusts.
- Art.XIII State Institutions
- Art.XIV Seat of Government
- Art.XV Harbors and Tide Waters
- Art.XVI School and Granted Lands
- Art.XVII Tide Lands
- Art.XVIII State Seal
- Art.XIX Exemptions
- Art.XX Public Health and Vital Statistics
- Art.XXI Water and Water Rights
- Art.XXII Legislative Apportionment
- Art.XXIII Amendments
- Art.XXIV Boundaries
- Art.XXV Jurisdiction
- Art.XXVI Compact with the United States
- Art.XXVII Schedule
- s.1 Existing rights, actions, and contracts saved.
- s.2 Laws in force continued.
- s.3 Debts, fines, etc., to inure to the state.
- s.4 Recognizances.
- s.5 Criminal prosecutions and penal actions.
- s.6 Retention of territorial officers.
- s.7 Constitutional officers, when elected.
- s.8 Change of courts—Transfer of causes.
- s.9 Seals of courts and municipalities.
- s.10 Probate court, transfer of.
- s.11 Duties of first legislature.
- s.12 Election contests for superior judges, how decided.
- s.13 Representation in congress.
- s.14 Duration of term of certain officers.
- s.15 Election on adoption of constitution, how to be conducted.
- s.16 When constitution to take effect.
- s.17 Separate articles.
- s.18 Ballot.
- s.19 Appropriation.
- Art.XXVIII Compensation of State Officers
- Art.XXIX Investments of Public Pension and Retirement Funds
- Art.XXX Compensation of Public Officers
- Art.XXXI Sex Equality—Rights and Responsibilities
- Art.XXXII Special Revenue Financing
- Part One The History of the Washington Constitution and Its Interpretation
- Further Material