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The State of Bahia: Introductory Note

Philip Raworth
Edited By: Philip Raworth

© 2017 Oxford University Press

From: Oxford Constitutions (http://oxcon.ouplaw.com). (c) Oxford University Press, 2023. All Rights Reserved.date: 13 February 2025

Bahia is one of the twenty-six states of Brazil. It is the fifth largest state after São Paulo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro with a surface area of 565,733 square kilometers (218,431 square miles) and the fourth largest in population with, as of 2015, 15,203,934 inhabitants. Bahia is located in the northeast of Brazil on the Atlantic coast. It is bordered on the north by the states of Piaui and Pernambuco, on the east by Sergipi and the Atlantic Ocean, on the south by the states of Minais Gerais and Esplritu Santo and on the west by the states of Golas and...
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