1 Last amended 14 May 2020.
2 Constitution, arts 75–79.
5 See E Smith, ‘Judicial Review of Legislation’ in H Krunke and B Thorarsen, The Nordic Constitutions. A Comparative and Contextual Study (Hart Publishing 2018) ch 5.
16 Corona Act 2020; Norwegian Parliament, ‘The Corona Act’ (26 March 2020).
17 All Norwegian legal sources are published on Most regulations dealing with the pandemic have ‘Covid-19’ in the title of the regulation. The non-subscription database only contains legislation in force.
18 Constitution, arts 96, 113.
28 A complete list over parliamentary resolutions (anmodningsvedtak) in the 2019–2020 parliamentary term are listed at the Parliament’s website (accessed 11 November 2020). Most Covid-19 related resolutions are indicated with the word virusutbruddet in brackets.
30 See also the corresponding amendment on 24 March 2020 of the Rules of Procedure of the Norwegian Parliament, s 50a.
32 See Corona Act 2020, s 8.
39 Rules of Procedure of the Norwegian Parliament, ss 6–9a.
43 Norwegian Parliament, ‘Dispatch of information to the Coronavirus Commission’ (7 October 2020) 3–4.
44 Rules of Procedure of the Norwegian Parliament, ss 25, 26.
45 Rules of Procedure of the Norwegian Parliament, s 47.
48 See Constitution, art 73.
53 I L Backer, Norsk Sivilprosess (Universitetsforlaget Oslo 2015) 99–102.
54 Temporary regulation on simplifications and measures within the justice sector to remedy consequences of the outbreak of Covid-19 (FOR-2020-03-27-459) (27 March 2020).
55 A v Public Prosecution Authority Order HR-2020-972-U (Appeals Selection Committee SCN).
88 Regulation on amendments to regulation on infection control measures etc. due to the Covid-19 outbreak (the Covid-19 regulation (FOR-2020-06-12-1186) (12 June 2020).
94 Regulation on quarantine etc. upon arrival in Norway (FOR-2020-03-13-287) (13 March 2020).
95 Regulation on expulsion etc. of foreigners with regard to public health (FOR-2020-03-15-293) (15 March 2020).
97 Regulation on amendment to the Covid-19 regulation (FOR-2020-06-22-1253) (22 June 2020).
107 Regulation on amendments to the Covid-19 regulation (FOR-2021-01-03-1) (3 January 2021).
117 Municipality of Oslo, ‘8 October: The government’s lifting of Corona-virus measures will not happen in Oslo’ (8 October 2020).
184 For an overview of economic support to businesses, see H Skar, ‘Støtten til næringslivet’ in BM Høgberg, E Holmøyvik, and CC Eriksen (eds), Kriseregulering. Lovgivning under koronakrisen, (Fagbokforlaget 2023) 569–596.
189 H Skar, ‘Støtten til næringslivet’ in BM Høgberg, E Holmøyvik, and C C Eriksen (eds), Kriseregulering. Lovgivning under koronakrisen (Fagbokforlaget 2023) 580–583.
195 Parliamentary Ombud for Scrutiny of the Public Administration (Norway), Care of prison inmates during the Covid-19 pandemic (18 June 2020).
198 For a comprehensive legal discussion on infection control measures and legislative measures, see BM Høgberg, E Holmøyvik, and CC Eriksen (eds), Kriseregulering. Lovgivning under koronakrisen (Fagbokforlaget 2023).
199 BM Høgberg, E Holmøyvik, and CC Eriksen (eds), Kriseregulering. Lovgivning under koronakrisen (Fagbokforlaget 2023) 222–232.
202 B, C, D, E, A and F v Ministry of Health and Care Services [2022] HR-2022-718-A (SCN).
205 For a legal analysis on the ‘Smittestopp’ app, see M Cyndecka, ‘Personvern og smittestopp’ in BM Høgberg, E Holmøyvik, and CC Eriksen (eds), Kriseregulering. Lovgivning under koronakrisen (Fagbokforlaget 2023) 333–360.
207 For an overview and analysis of the measures in healthcare institutions, see H Sinding Aasen, ‘Forsvarlig smittevern og omsorg i kommunehelsetjenesten’ in BM Høgberg, E Holmøyvik, and CC Eriksen (eds), Kriseregulering. Lovgivning under koronakrisen (Fagbokforlaget 2023) 483–514.
211 Public Prosecution Authority v A and B [2022] HR-2022-2172-A (SCN); for a legal analysis on the visitation restrictions, see H F Marthinussen, ‘Kommunal forbudsiver og rettsstatens utilstrekkelighet’ in BM Høgberg, E Holmøyvik, and CC Eriksen (eds), Kriseregulering. Lovgivning under koronakrisen (Fagbokforlaget 2023) 441–482.
212 For a legal analysis of the ban, see AP Høgberg, ‘Det nasjonale hytteforbudet’ in BM Høgberg, E Holmøyvik, and CC Eriksen (eds), Kriseregulering. Lovgivning under koronakrisen (Fagbokforlaget 2023) 417–440.
216 Norwegian Government Security and Service Organisation, ‘Den store forskjellen’ (2023) 5 Norwegian Official Report 1, 124–125.
221 Coronavirus Commission (Norway), ‘Myndighetenes håndtering av koronapandemien’ (2021) 6 Norwegian Official Report 1, 180–182.
222 Coronavirus Commission (Norway), ‘Myndighetenes håndtering av koronapandemien’ (2021) 6 Norwegian Official Report 1, 181.
223 Coronavirus Commission (Norway), ‘The authorities' handling of the corona pandemic - part 2’ (2022) 5 Norwegian Official Report 1, 338 and 340.
225 Coronavirus Commission (Norway), ‘Myndighetenes håndtering av koronapandemien’ (2021) 6 Norwegian Official Report 1, 290.
226 Coronavirus Commission (Norway), ‘Myndighetenes håndtering av koronapandemien’ (2021) 6 Norwegian Official Report 1, 291.
227 Coronavirus Commission (Norway), ‘Myndighetenes håndtering av koronapandemien’ (2021) 6 Norwegian Official Report 1, 291–292; for an overview and legal analysis on restrictions in the local health service, see H Sinding Aasen, ‘Forsvarlig smittevern og omsorg i kommunehelsetjenesten’ in BM Høgberg, E Holmøyvik, and CC Eriksen (eds), Kriseregulering. Lovgivning under koronakrisen (Fagbokforlaget 2023) 483–514.
228 Norwegian Government Security and Service Organisation, ‘Den store forskjellen’ (2023) 5 Norwegian Official Report 1, 126.
229 Coronavirus Commission (Norway), ‘Myndighetenes håndtering av koronapandemien’ (2021) 6 Norwegian Official Report 1, 355–363.
230 Coronavirus Commission (Norway), ‘Myndighetenes håndtering av koronapandemien’ (2021) 6 Norwegian Official Report 1, 425.
232 For a detailed overview and legal analysis of pandemic regulations of day-care centres, schools, and universities, see JCF Nordrum, ‘Barnehage, skole og utdanning’ in BM Høgberg, E Holmøyvik, and CC Eriksen (eds), Kriseregulering. Lovgivning under koronakrisen (Fagbokforlaget 2023) 515–544.
237 Coronavirus Commission (Norway), ‘Myndighetenes håndtering av koronapandemien’ (2021) 6 Norwegian Official Report 1, 390.
240 For a detailed overview and legal analysis of pandemic regulations of prisons, see I Ikdahl, ‘Karantene ved innreise’ in BM Høgberg, E Holmøyvik, and CC Eriksen (eds), Kriseregulering. Lovgivning under koronakrisen (Fagbokforlaget 2023) 361–392.
241 For a detailed overview and legal analysis of pandemic regulations of prisons, see AK Befring, ‘Pandemitiltak innenfor fengselsmurene’ in BM Høgberg, E Holmøyvik, and CC Eriksen (eds), Kriseregulering. Lovgivning under koronakrisen (Fagbokforlaget 2023) 677–698.