7 Z Szente, Constitutional Law in Hungary (Wolters Kluwer 2022).
8 N Chronowski, ?The post 2010 “Democratic Rule of Law” practice of the Hungarian Constitutional Court under a Rule by Law Government’ (2021) The Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies – Acta Juridica Hungarica 136–158, 145; F Gárdos-Orosz, ?The reference to constitutional traditions in populist constitutionalism – The case of Hungary’ (2021) The Hungarian Journal of Legal Studies – Acta Juridica Hungarica 23–51.
9 T Drinóczi and A Bień-Kacała, ?Illiberal Constitutionalism: The Case of Hungary and Poland’ (2019) 20 German Law Journal 1140–1166 (22 April 2022); G Walker, ?The Idea of Non-Liberal Constitutionalism’ in I Shapiro and W Kymlicka (eds), Ethnicity and Group Rights (New York University Press 1997), 154–184.
30 Z Szente and F Gárdos-Orosz, ‘Using emergency powers in Hungary: against the pandemic and/or democracy?’ in M C Kettlemann and K Lachmayer (eds), Pandemocracy in Europe: Power, Parliaments and People in Times of COVID-19 (Hart Publishing 2022) 155–178.
53 Act XL of 2021, amending Act I of 2021 on the containment of the Covid-19 pandemic, arts 2–3.
96 Z Szente and F Gárdos-Orosz, ‘Using emergency powers in Hungary: against the pandemic and/or democracy?’ in M C Kettlemann and K Lachmayer (eds), Pandemocracy in Europe: Power, Parliaments and People in Times of COVID-19 (Hart Publishing 2022) 155–178.
139 O Kormos, ‘Hoppá, igenis születtek magyar COVID-tanulmányok’ [Oops, yes there were Hungarian COVID studies] Menedzsment Fórum (Online, 19 April 2022), 168; ‘Titkolóztak a járvány körül’ [Secrets were kept about the epidemic] 168 (Online, 25 April 2022 – 2 May 2022); N Nagy, ‘F? alatt publikáltak magyar kutatásokat a koronavírusról, életeket is lehetett volna menteni velük’ [Hungarian research on the coronavirus, which could have saved lives, was secretly published] (Online, 25 April 2022).
162 N Chronowski, ‘Információszabadság járvány idején. Az Alkotmánybíróság döntése a közérdek? adatigénylés teljesítésének határidejéről veszélyhelyzetben’ [Freedom of information during an epidemic. The decision of the Constitutional Court on the deadline for fulfilling a request for data in the public interest in an emergency situation] (2021) 14 Közjogi Szemle 81–84, 83; G Mészáros, ‘Az autokratikus legalizmus vége’ [The end of autocratic legalism] (2021) 25 Fundamentum 55–61, 58.
170 Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz and András László Pap, ‘A járvány kezelésének alkotmányjogi vonatkozásai’ [Constitutional aspects of epidemic management] (2021) 5 Magyar Tudomány 583–592.
182 HVG, ’Minden eddiginél több, 11 265 új fertőzöttet azonosítottak egy nap alatt’ [More than ever, 11,265 newly infecred persons were identified in a single day] (Online, 26 March 2021); HVG, ’Ismét 10 ezer felett az új fertőzöttek száma, elhunyt 253 beteg’ [More than 10,000 newly infected persons were identified again, 253 patients died] (Online, 27 March 2021); HVG, ’311 újabb áldozata van a járványnak Magyarországon’ [The pandemic claimed 311 more victims in Hungary] (Online, 7 April 2021).
268 Government of Hungary, ‘The ban on hospital visits has been lifted’ [Feloldották a kórházi látogatási tilalmat] (13 June 2020); National Public Health Center, ‘Lifting the ban on visits’ [Látogatási tilalom feloldása] (14 June 2020); National Public Health Centre, ‘DECISION - Amendment of the decision ordering a ban on visits and exits’ [HATÁROZAT – Látogatási és kijárási tilalmat elrendelő határozat módosítása] (14 June 2020); an attached circular letter was addressed to the heads, rectors, commanders, director-generals of the institutions concerned, see National Public Health Centre, ‘CIRCULAR – On lifting the ban on visits’ [KÖRLEVÉL – Látogatási tilalom feloldásával kapcsolatos körlevél] (12 June 2020); the decision was modified by another decision of the Chief Medical Officer on 18 June 2020, National Public Health Center, ‘Amendment to the decision ordering a ban on visits and exits’ [Látogatási és kijárási tilalmat elrendelő határozat módosítása] (19 June 2020); National Public Health Center, ‘DECISION – Amendment to the decision ordering a ban on visits and exits’ [HATÁROZAT – Látogatási és kijárási tilalmat elrendelő határozat módosítása] (18 June 2020).
289 I Vörös, ‘A felhatalmazási törvénytől az egészségügyi válsághelyzetig és tovább…’ [From the Enabling Act to the health crisis and beyond…] in F Gárdos-Orosz and V O Lőrincz (eds), Jogi diagnózisok: a COVID-19-világjárvány hatásai a jogrendszerre [Legal diagnoses: the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the legal system] (L’Harmattan 2020) 17–43.
293 The data were collected by and are available at Ministry of Inferior, ‘Criminal Statistics System’ [B?nügyi Statistikai Rendszer] (15 April 2022).
302 European Commission, ‘Fund for European aid to the Most deprived. Towards lasting impact: Exploring sustainability in FEAD interventions’ (Thematic Dossier 3) (2018).
303 Government Decree 567/2020 on certain provisions relating to the state of danger necessary to strengthen the financial security of families (9 December 2020); Government Decree 556/2020 on certain social and child protection benefits provided during the state of danger and the operation of social and child protection services during the state of danger (4 December 2020); amended by Government Decree 659/2020 (24 December 2020).
304 Government Decree 556/2020 (4 December 2020) on certain social and child protection benefits provided during the state of danger and the operation of social and child protection services during the state of danger; Government Decision 1102/2020 on the introduction of a new work schedule in public and vocational education institutions due to the coronavirus, 1 (“Digital Learning” decision) (14 March 2020); amended by Government Decision 1253/2020 (22 May) (22 May 2020).
306 Government Decree 47/2020 on immediate measures on immediate measures necessary for alleviating the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on national economy (18 March 2020); Government Decree 62/2020 on detailed rules concerning payment moratorium of Government Decree 47/2020 on immediate measures necessary for alleviating the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on national economy (24 March 2020); Government Decree 567/2020 on certain provisions relating to the state of danger necessary to strengthen the financial security of families (9 December 2020).
307 Government Decree 57/2020 on the enforcement measures to be taken during the period of state of danger declared for the prevention of the human epidemic endangering life and property and causing massive disease outbreaks, for the elimination of its consequences, and for the protection of the health and lives of Hungarian citizens (23 March 2020).
308 Government Decree 229/2021 on special measures applicable to the auctioning and evacuation of immovable property during an emergency (5 May 2021).
315 Government Decree 81/2020 on extraordinary measures relating to the state of danger declared for the protection of health and lives and for the restoration of national economy (1 April 2020), art 6(5); further decrees regarding the same matter were eg Government Decree 88/2020 on measures to be taken in connection with certain social and child protection benefits and on the operation of social services in the state of danger (5 April 2020); Government Decree 567/2020 on certain provisions necessary to strengthen the financial security of families relating to the state of danger (9 December 2020); Government Decree 128/2021 extending entitlement to certain health insurance and family support benefits in respect of the care and upbringing of a child (13 March 2021; amended by Government Decree 155/2021 (27 March 2021) amending Government Decree 502/2020 reintroducing different provisions for the operation of associations of persons and property in the state of danger (16 November 2020); and Government Decree 128/2021 extending entitlement to certain health insurance and family support benefits in respect of the care and upbringing of a child (13 March 2021).
319 Protected sectors are listed in eg, Government Decree 47/2020 on immediate measures (18 March); Government Decree 103/2020 on support for the employment of workers in the field of research and development under the Economic Protection Action Plan during the state of danger (10 April 2020); and Government Decree 485/2020 on certain economy protection measures (10 November 2020), art 5.
324 Government Decree 47/2020 on immediate measures (18 March), art 6(1) (with a view to ensuring compliance with prohibitions and restrictions ordered within the period of state of danger); see Government Decree 40/2020 on the declaration of state of danger (11 March 2020);
325 Calculation method: HUF 107,065* 2 * 0.5 * 0.7 = HUF 74 945.5.
330 Central Statistical Bureau, ‘Hungary, Sick pay expenditure (2006-2021)’ (accessed 6 June 2023).
332 Central Statistical Bureau, ‘Sick leave’ (accessed 6 June 2023).
333 Government Decree 70/2020 on derogating rules relating to providing education and vocational qualification examination in adults training during the period of state of danger declared for the prevention of the human epidemic endangering life and property and causing massive disease outbreaks, for the elimination of its consequences, and for the protection of the health and lives of Hungarian citizens (26 March 2020), arts 1, 2(1-1)(b), 4(1), 5/A-5/B; and its modification; Government Decree 195/2020 amending Government Decree 70/2020 on derogating rules relating to providing education and vocational qualification examination in adults training during the period of state of danger declared for the prevention of the human epidemic endangering life and property and causing massive disease outbreaks, for the elimination of its consequences, and for the protection of the health and lives of Hungarian citizens under the Economic Protection Action Plan (11 May 2020), arts 2–3, 5.
334 Government Decree 104/2020 on the supplementation of the labour law rules within the framework of the Economic Protection Action Plan of Government Decree 47/2020 on immediate measures necessary for alleviating the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on national economy (10 June 2020).
339 Act LVIII of 2020 on the transitional rules related to the termination of the state of danger and on the epidemiological preparedness, art 86.
340 Government Decree 431/2020 on protective measures during the period of state of epidemiological preparedness (18 September 2020), art 6(1).
342 Government Decree 484/2020 on the second phase of protective measures applicable during the period of state of danger (10 November 2020), art 23(2).
344 The Parliament adopted the proposed modification effective from 8 August 2021, Act LXXIX of 2021 on taking more severe action against paedophile offenders and amending certain Acts for the protection of children.
345 For details of the case see Order IV/1171/2021 (Constitutional Court).
351 In force from 1 September 2020 to 22 June 2021, Government Decree 407/2020 temporarily reintroducing border control (30 August 2020).
352 Government Decree 408/2020 on travel restrictions during the period of state of epidemiological preparedness (30 August 2020), arts 2–4, 14.
358 In accordance with Act XLVII of 1997, art 5(3), on the processing and protection of health data.
359 Government Decree 41/2020 on the measures to be taken (11 March 2020), art 3(3); amended by Government Decree 46/2020 on the measures to be taken (III) (16 March 2020), art 13; Government Decree 81/2020 on extraordinary measures relating to the state of danger declared for the protection of health and lives and for the restoration of national economy (1 April 2020), art 3(4).
361 Government Decree 81/2020 on extraordinary measures relating to the state of danger declared for the protection of health and lives and for the restoration of national economy (1 April 2020), art 3(5).
362 Government Decree 81/2020 on extraordinary measures relating to the state of danger declared for the protection of health and lives and for the restoration of national economy (1 April 2020), art 3(6).
363 Government Decree 408/2020 on travel restrictions during the period of state of epidemiological preparedness (30 August 2020), arts 15–16, in force since 1 September 2020.
364 Government Decree 179/2020 on derogations from certain data protection and data request provisions during the state of danger (4 May 2020).
365 Government Decree 179/2020 on derogations from certain data protection and data request provisions during the state of danger (4 May 2020).
366 European Data Protection Board, ‘EDPB adopts letter on Polish presidential elections data disclosure & discusses recent Hungarian government decrees in relation to the coronavirus during the state of emergency’ (8 May 2020).
367 Government Decree 479/2020 on further protective measures applicable during the period of state of danger (3 November 2020), art 9/B(1)–(4), in force since 4 November 2020.
373 National Democratic Institute, ‘The Impact of COVID-19 on Hungary's Roma Communities’ (12 February 2021).
376 Government Decree 484/2020 on the second phase of protective measures applicable during the period of state of danger (10 November 2020), art 1(1), (5); amended by Government Decree 510/2020 (19 November) amending Government Decree 484/2020 on the second phase of protective measures applicable during the period of state of danger, art 1.
379 Government Decree 479/2020 on further protective measures applicable during the period of state of danger (3 November), art 9/A; amended by Government Decree 552/2020 amending certain government decrees regarding the period of the state of danger (2 December 2020), art 1.
380 Government Decision 1102/2020 on the introduction of a new work schedule in public education and vocational training institutions due to the coronavirus (14 March 2020), art 1.
381 Government Decree 152/2020 on measures for the day-to-day care of children in the state of danger (27 April 2020), art 1(1), (4).
382 Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, ‘OECD Country Note (Hungary) School Education during Covid-19’ (2020), page 5.
383 Government Decree 119/2020 on the organization of the final examinations during the state of danger in the examination period of May–June 2020 (16 April 2020), art 2(1)–(2).
385 Government Decree 484/2020 on the second phase of protective measures applicable during the period of state of danger (10 November 2020), art 17(3)–(6).
386 Government Decree 484/2020 on the second phase of protective measures applicable during the period of state of danger (10 November 2020), art 1.
388 Government Decree 145/2021 on returning to normal education in public upbringing institutions and vocational training institutions, and terminating the extraordinary break in kindergartens (27 March 2021), art 1; did not enter into force: Government Decree 177/2021 on returning to normal education in public upbringing institutions, vocational training institutions and in adults training, and terminating the extraordinary break in kindergartens (15 April 2021), art 9.
389 Cs Fényes, E Galgóczi, and D Lovász, ‘Forced Path: Teachers on Reopening Schools’, 21 Kutatóközpont, Budapest.
390 Government Decree 177/2021 on returning to normal education in public upbringing institutions, vocational training institutions and in adults training, and terminating the extraordinary break in kindergartens (IV. 15.), art 2(3)–(5); lower grades 1 to 4 in primary schools reopened on 19 April 2021, see Government Decree 177/2021 on returning to normal education (IV. 15.), art 2(1)–(2).
394 Report AJB-464/2022 (Commissioner for Fundamental Rights).
396 Government Decree 90/2020 on certain measures amending criminal correction in relation to the declaration of state of danger (5 April 2020), art 3(2)–(3), (6).
399 Declared by Government Decree 41/2016 on the imposition of a state of crisis on the entire territory of Hungary caused by mass immigration and on the rules related to the declaring, existence and termination of the state of crisis (9 March 2016); last amended by Government Decree 93/2021 amending Government Decree 41/2016 on the imposition of a state of crisis on the entire territory of Hungary caused by mass immigration and on the rules related to the declaring, existence and termination of the state of crisis (27 February 2021).
400 Government Decree 233/2020 on the rules of the asylum procedure during the state of danger declared for the prevention of the human epidemic endangering life and property and causing massive disease outbreaks, for the elimination of its consequences, and for the protection of the health and lives of Hungarian citizens (26 May 2020).
401 Act LVIII of 2020 on the transitional rules related to the termination of the state of danger and on the epidemiological preparedness.