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OCW November 2023 Update

November 30, 2023

In November 2023, Oxford Constitutions of the World added six new documents and made two documents historical.

Updated Jurisdictions

Political Constitution of the State of Campeche: 1917 (as Amended to April 26, 2019) Mexico New
The State of Campeche: Introductory Note Mexico New
Constitution Act 1975: October 22, 1975 (as Amended to March 29, 2022) Australia New
Constitution Act 1975: October 22, 1975 (as Amended to July 1, 2013) Australia Historical
State of Victoria: Introductory Note Australia Replaced
Turks and Caicos Islands Constitution Order 2011, S.I. 2011/1681 United Kingdom New
Turks and Caicos Islands Constitution Order 1988, S.I. 1988/247 (as Amended to 2002) United Kingdom Historical
The Turks and Caicos Islands: Introductory Note United Kingdom Replaced