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Viewing Content

The display

There are two panels displayed when you view OXCON content.

The full text of the content is on the right.

The table of contents is on the left.


Full text

Constitutional Instruments/Materials, Commentary/Analysis/Articles

At the top of each piece of content, an ‘index card’ displays the article/document/section title, below which is displayed (depending on the document displayed) the OUP reference, subjects, author, product and originating and applicable jurisdiction, dates, translator, and content type.

Immediately below the ‘index card’, depending where your result appears in the text, the full text is displayed.
Sections within the document are clearly denoted and appear numbered in consecutive order throughout.



Cross-references (where present) are linked in the body of the full text through to the relevant location elsewhere on the current site, to another OUP Law site or to an external source. Click on a link to display a pop-up box. The box also offers an option to go to the Oxford Law Citator for more information and deeper onward research. To close the pop-up box, click the cross at the top right of the box.



On the left side of the screen is a Table of Contents (TOC) with a link at the top through to the Oxford Law Citator record for the document, together with an option to sign up for alerts if you wish to be informed of updates to the content.

Expand or collapse the headings in the TOC to display more or less detail and click through to the desired section of the document.

Additionally, the TOC expands to display long headings. Click the arrow at the top of the panel to expand the TOC:


More information:

More information about the Oxford Law Citator.

Please note that since the massive research project through which the links are added to the sites is ongoing, not all items will be linked at present.

More information:
Viewing content in OCW
Viewing content in USC
Viewing content in MPECCoL