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Oxford Law Citator


About the Citator

The Oxford Law Citator is a research tool provided as part of a subscription to an Oxford University Press online law service. It helps you save time and obtain better research outcomes by providing:

  • links between related pieces of content, both within Oxford's products and to editorially validated pages on the wider web
  • clear and authoritative citations for use by academics and practitioners
  • sophisticated subject and jurisdictional taxonomies, to help return the information you need quickly
  • easy-to-use browse and search functionality, to help you interrogate, explore, and compare the content

The Citator integrates and links content from Oxford University Press’s online law resources, and provides a record for:

  • every item of content published on an OUP law online service, and
  • items referenced within content published on an OUP law online service

Use the Oxford Law Citator to:

  • find a definitive citation for a piece of legal information
  • find other things that discuss or mention something (e.g. a case, or a legislative or treaty provision)
  • find other items in the same subject area or from the same jurisdiction, and
  • link onwards to reliable full text of relevant sources, on OUP services or the wider web

Learn more at citator.ouplaw.com


Video tutorials

What is the Oxford Law Citator?


How to access the Oxford Law Citator


What is in the Oxford Law Citator?


 How to search the Oxford Law Citator


 How do I browse the Oxford Law Citator?


How to access results on the Oxford Law Citator


What is an Oxford Law Citator record?


What is the related items tab in the Oxford Law Citator?



 Learn more at citator.ouplaw.com